FBNI encourages new business since they are vulnerable in their initial days of take off. They are often in need of expert advice as well as funds which not many are able to arrange on time. FBNI is not a start up club, however, its founders understand the hardship that the start ups go through and the challenges that await them at every nook & corner. Mentorship is more than necessary for most of them , especially for those who lack in planning. Many FBNI members are with more than decades of experience in their respective areas who volunteer to act as mentors for such novice future billionaires. FBNI acts as a platform or a meeting ground between them.
Its not always the start ups who need mentorship; many of the times, well established businesses also need to discuss occasional issues which they encounter while venturing into unknown waters. An established businessman finds it odd to discuss his/ her problems for the sheer fear of losing either his credibility or losing its clients altogether. FBNI works as a bridge for such members where other members who have a solution to related problems or issues don’t hesitate in sharing answers.
FBNI invites seasoned business barons to apply as mentors in FBNI those who have an inclination to nurture the young minds, support them in their business ventures and hand hold them for a successful career.