FBNI is a workable networking group of people and the primary aim of it is to create a cohesive group of members from various industry sectors who could be of support to one another. FBNI really wants its members to join hands like a big industry where each member does his/ her bit for the growth & development of others. Of course, the bigger the network, the better it is in terms of variations in support but the bigger it is the more complex it becomes in availing support for one another. That’s why FBNI doesn’t restrain itself to one city one chapter modus operandi. There could be more than one chapters in one city but ideally, there should be at least one chapter in each world city….that’s the aim of FBNI Founder, Dr. GD Singh.
The chapters are opened on Franchisee model; when somebody shows enough confidence through ample opportunities in his / her designated area for starting a FBNI chapter office by taking consent on paper from at least 11 prospected members along with due diligence and Fee prescribed of such a chapter , then the application for a franchisee can be considered. Of course, FBNI sees to it that no two chapters are close enough as to create confusion and ambiguity for future members to decide which chapter to go to or worse, it says no to a franchisee offer if it feels one chapter might cannibalize the old one in the same vicinity.
One business group may not have more than one chapters in one city; however, it may go for another in other city provided all other chapter related prerequisites are being fulfilled. The procedure for opening a chapter are detailed in FBNI app as well as prescribed documents which may be obtained from FBNI head office.