Bhai Sahib Satpal Singh Kohli’s is the Sikh Dharma Ambassador in the Western Hemisphere. Known as Bhai Sahib, a title bestowed upon him by the Jathedar of Patna Sahib, he freely shares his knowledge, limitless intellect and wisdom with his followers. Bhai Sahib was born in 1956 in the Southern Indian City of Madras to Sardar Malik Singh Kohli and Late Sardarni Rajinder Kaur Kohli. When the family moved to the Indian capital city of New Delhi, he attended Summer Fields High School. After graduating from there he went to Delhi’s St. Stephen’s College and earned himself a Bachelor’s Degree in Science.
It was in 1978 that Bhai Sahib arrived in the USA and got married in Espanola, New Mexico, to the daughter of Yogi Bhajan, who later became his spiritual guide and mentor. After moving to California, he ventured into business, where his academic orientation and experience with Yogiji came in handy. He rapidly helped expand the firm’s business across various domains.
Success in business, though, was to become the bedrock of his spiritual life. Somewhere deep within he yearned to move into the higher realms of existence. And life would give him a chance that he grabbed with both hands. He found his spiritual mentor in Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji, also called Siri Singh Sahib. Bhai Sahib would go on to call Yogi Bhajan his celestial father, and spiritual guide. Yogiji appointed him Assistant Chief of Protocol for the Sikh Dharma International. Bhai Sahib also became involved with other institutions set up by Yogiji such as 3HO, Sikh Net, Miri Piri Academy and Khalsa Council International.
Today Bhai Sahib is the Chairman of the Guru Ram Das Sikh Mission of America based out of New Mexico. He is also the Secretary, International Affairs at the Akal Takht for Sikh Dharma and a Director in Miri Piri Academy, Amritsar. He is also a member of ACT and Sikh Dharma 13. Several recognitions and honours have come his way. For his untiring efforts to propagate the Sikh way of life in the Western world, the Sikh clergy have given him the title of Bhai Sahib.
Bhai Sahib travels the world promoting peace, diversity, Sikh teachings, a healthy happy and holy lifestyle through the Teachings of Yogi Bhajan and Kundalini Yoga, and is selflessly dedicated to the welfare of all. He participates in world peace and inter-faith events and travels the globe bringing love, light of wisdom, unity and inspires many towards the path of the divine Almighty. He is a Peace Ambassador for HWPL (a Peace organization in South Korea dedicated for cessation of wars around the world); Ambassador for the Parliament of World Religions; member of Bhai Sahib is a true missionary in action, living and walking the words of his master, and the Great Gurus. He sums up his own journey thus, “It is my mission and blessing to promote diversity and culture as taught by Guru Nanak Dev Ji… to better facilitate the current worldwide shift in global consciousness from tribalism, instability, and extremism, to harmony, cooperation and enduring peace. In addition, I welcome and support other organizations that promote the transformation of consciousness as taught by Guru Nanak Dev Ji throughout his life and travels.”